Life Cycle Executive Leadership Group Comes to Learn

The Life Cycle Leadership Group (LCLP), from the Institute for Defense and Business (IDB) located in Chapel Hill, came to the Hunt Library and our CAMAL lab facilities on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2014, for a day-long seminar on the world of additive manufacturing and the logistical challenges that exist moving forward.  ISE department head Dr. Paul Cohen, CAMAL co-director Dr. Russell King, and research scholar Dr. Ron Aman gave participants a wide-ranging and in-depth series of presentations on the world of advanced and additive manufacturing as it’s being practiced on a global scale.  The day finished with a tour of our labs by Ron and Harshad Srinivasan, an ISE Ph.D. student working on various additive research projects.


Harshad, left, showing the finer points of our Arcam AB EBM technology.  Note that while this was happening, Drs. Harvey West and Ola Harrysson were in Sweden at an Arcam users group meeting.  Ron (above, right) is giving the LCEL team a step by step on how we design our varied additive projects.


The entire LCEL group on the steps of Daniels Hall.  They were terrific guests; a good day was had by all.